Currently browsing: Beach

Natural Beauty

The water has a natural attraction for me and when you add the beauty of a horse on the beach.   His calm presence almost if posing for pictures was breathtaking. As the day came to an end and this majestic creature was walking up the beach.     He was not bothered by my camera, not […]

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Rocks and Waves

I am so at peace with the ocean.   When you add the element of rocks or in this case boulders my heart sings.  Challenging  to climb and find the top with no one saying STOP!       I could sit on top of the monster wall – silently watching the waves crash.  The fine mist […]

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2nd Chances

Its not every day we get a second chance.   These two beautiful souls found each other and chose  to take a leap of faith. Love is alive.   Surrounded by family and friends at sunset by the sea, they said “I DO”.   A connection of the heart is something we all strive for and they found […]

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Beach friends

Little do we acknowledge the presence of those animals that are always at the beach.    These creatures are beautiful when capturing there essence. The beautiful white creature is elegant, calm and ever present.   It followed me that morning.   I perched myself on the grass and it approached.   Within three feet of […]

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Rugged and Relaxed

Needing the break from the hustle and bustle of life retreating to a place of sun and sand in December gives the mind and body a chance to rejuvenate. The weather was 85 degrees, the water temperature was low 70’s ~ perfect for an escape.    Sandmen adorned the beach and the sea gulls were […]

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Cambridge is a little town in Maryland.   Its beautiful with the boats at the dock but the sea was rough. Love exploring, seeing nature pure and simple.    Water has no boundaries and when the seas get rough, the water finds it own path. And the ducks thoroughly loved this weather!

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IM Maryland

Athletes, weekend warriors and seasoned competitors trained for months to compete in the local IRONMAN competition.   Swimming, biking running are all apart of this event and not for the faint of heart. The water was rough, which canceled the swim.   The boats sat idle and the bouies were anchored. The bikes were racked […]

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Summer’s Over

The beaches are empty compared to a few weeks ago.   The swimsuits are replaced by jeans and sweatshirts.    A peaceful calm covers this stretch of sand. Just weeks before, the sand was filled with umbrella’s blankets and sunscreen.    Now the birds have space to roam.    It is that time of year […]

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50 years

So few individuals find that partner that makes their heart sing and want forever, when a special couple finds the magic and celebrate their 50th anniversary ~ it’s time to celebrate. Family surround and embrace these special people, at sunset on the beach they renew their vows taken so long ago.   Capturing these special […]

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